The obese person is an
“undernourished person”
An analysis that goes to the causes of obesity.
Traditional Chinese Medicine defines the obese person as a person who is weakened because metabolic imbalance leads to a deficiency in the nutrient assimilation process. In order to be able to assimilate sufficient nutrients, the obese person is forced to take in greater quantities of food, which leads to greater quantities of waste. The metabolic imbalance itself results in insufficient elimination of waste, which accumulates mainly in the form of fat. The approach to treating the obese person can therefore only act by taking into account all the pathogenetic mechanisms and in particular the deficient state of the assimilative process, which evolves into excess weight.

The completion of the entire treatment process allows not only to achieve and maintain the correct weight but also to stabilise the physiological assimilation process.
The beneficial effects of the TCM-CAO protocol are visible already after the first few days:
- weight loss with dynamic progression
- action on the most voluminous adipose masses with remodelling of the figure while respecting lean mass
- state of psychophysical well-being
- maintenance of skin tissue tone and elasticity
- rebalancing of all organic functions.
Chinese medicine and homeopathy
for therapeutic action on weight loss
An innovative protocol is the result of Italian-Chinese cooperation.
The Paracelsus Institute, in collaboration with Dr. Guo Minyuan, one of the most qualified nutrition science experts in China, has created a radically innovative protocol for the treatment of obesity, because the loss of excess weight is the result of a therapeutic action that is truly capable of regularising metabolism and normalising the body’s absorption capacity. Subjects who undergo the protocol experience from the very first days an increase in resistance and physical strength, an improvement in general tone, a rapid slimming action and above all the progressive weight loss that proceeds unhindered until the weight stabilises at normal values. Even in severe cases there is a substantial decrease in the tendency to excess weight after the first treatment cycle.
Obesity framed in an overall view of the condition of the obese person.
The two most important Traditional Medicines, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy, are able to give a relatively exhaustive answer to the imbalance that causes excess weight and obesity, thanks to a vision of human physiopathology that defines the pathological picture through the observation of the relationships and imbalances existing between the different functions and apparatuses that keep the human being alive, considered as an integrated functional unit.
An obese person is one who suffers from a nutritional deficiency.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the obese person is ultimately a person weakened by a deficiency in the assimilation process of nutritional intake, who therefore needs to receive an optimal, waste-free and easily assimilated nutritional intake, which in the first instance strengthens the entire functional activity of the digestive system. This reinforcement enables the rapid elimination of excess fat while preserving lean mass, promotes a regularisation of the metabolism with stable results over time, and induces an improvement in the general state of health.
Protocol headmasters
The method integrates several therapeutic interventions that act synergistically for the causal treatment of obesity and excess weight:
A food product, developed according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses components of great nutritional value, highly energising and capable of providing a calibrated, complete and highly assimilable diet.
Auriculotherapy, a method of Traditional Chinese Medicine that inhibits the sense of hunger, rebalances the functional activity of the digestive system, acts on the increase of the endocrine glands (insulin, glucagon, etc.) and determines a general tonic action on the central and peripheral nervous system.
Homeopathic medicine, which cooperates so that the profound changes produced by the reduction of excess weight occur harmoniously and remain stable over time.
The dietary regime
The diet is essentially based on a food formula designed according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine principle ‘food and medicine have the same origin’. This principle states that many foods in the common diet are also medicinal substances. Through the use of carefully selected ingredients, calibrated dosages and appropriate preparation, the formula provides a unique combination of nutrients capable of the following actions
- Providing all the substances needed by the body undergoing a weight-loss regime, enabling the body to control its sense of hunger and feel in good shape.
- Regulating the endocrine system and activating a wide variety of fat metabolising enzymes, thus promoting catabolism and transformation of excess lipids and rapidly lowering the rate of fat synthesis to normal levels.
- Eliminate the accumulation of toxic substances in order to regularise cell metabolism and the functionality of the digestive system, with positive effects on the overall condition of the other systems.
- Improving and resolving the multifaceted symptomatological picture that usually accompanies obesity: asthenic, dyspeptic and dysmetabolic syndromes (hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolaemia, cardiovascular pathologies, etc.).
Protocol efficacy
The clinical documentation of more than five thousand cases treated at the Paracelsus Clinical Centre in the years 1995-2020 demonstrated an efficacy index of more than 85%. An effective, balanced and stable action on weight loss. The beneficial effects of the protocol are already visible after the first few days of treatment, and weight loss takes place while mental and physical stamina and vigour improve. As the weight approaches the values of
weight-form, the speed of fat catabolism slows down, as the diet does not exert a forced action on fats, but simply exerts an effect that is dependent on the physiological needs of the body. The stability of weight results goes hand in hand with the regularisation of the various imbalances that accompany obesity: high blood pressure, lipid levels, blood sugar levels, intestinal alterations such as constipation or diarrhoea also tend to normalise in a definitive and stable manner.
Reserved for physicians and dentists.
First meeting:
Saturday 17 February 2024: 9.00 – 17.00
Sunday 18 February 2024: 9.00 – 13.00
Second meeting:
Saturday 23 March 2024: 9.00 – 17.00
Learners have the opportunity to follow the 16-hour internship by agreeing it with the tutor already after the first meeting.
For information and registration: Paracelso Institute